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"...show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long..."

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Inside my brain

I have few weird ideas inside my brain to change the world.

1. I would like to find a mechanism by which all nuclear explosions in any part of the world will be prevented. Scientifically, since the nuclear explosions are uncontrolled chain reactions propagated by the multiplication of neutrons, a natural mechanism should bring a limitation to the neutron number so that the uncontrolled chain reaction cannot take place. This may be made possible by the propagation of anti-neutrons using satellites. Weird is it not? But, imagine what releif it will bring to the people of the world.

2. I would like to discover a process by which visible light from sun can be stored in its nascent form, so that when there is no sunlight like the night time one can illuminate using the stored light. Also, imagine if one has to turn a diaphram to let into households the stored sunlight running through pipes. I dream of one big revolutionary change in agriculture with the stored light by which the photosynthesis can be accelerated and we can have crops yielding in few days. The stored light can be used to extract water from air by combining two parts of hydrogen in air with one part of oxygen. Very weird and insane ideas? More to come...


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