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"...show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long..."

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Melbourne Diary

Here I will be giving some interesting things I came across in melbourne.

1. The other day while waiting for the train at Flinder's Street station, few boys were sliding down the rails of the escalator. Seeing this I was reminded of the scene in Imsai Arasan where he will come down the stairs by sliding down the rail. Involuntarily, I laughed and people surrounding me started looking at me strangely and I had to stop the laughter.

2. One day it was raining and I was waiting for the tram. As nothing else to do I was putting some lines in the nearby sand with the tip of my umbrella. Suddenly one other person who was also waiting for the tram snatched the umbrella from me and I was amused to see that he also put some lines in the same sand and handed back the umbrella to me.

3. Melbourne weather is very funny, they say you can have all four seasons in one day. It happened last Sunday. When I left the house, it was sunny but due to cold winds it was cold. In the afternoon it became warmer like summer and in the evenin it started raining.

4. People in Melbourne are addicted to sports and cricket particularly. Even during bad weather people go to MCG to watch football matches. When I had arrived first in melbourne I was put up in a motel. At that time the cricket series between Australia and Srilanka was going on. The TV in my room could not be tuned to Channel 9 to watch the live one-day cricket. I went to the reception and requested. The moment I mentioned cricket the man at the counter started talking and since I am also a cricket buff, soon we had a pleasant conversation going. In the end he not only fixed my TV to watch cricket, gave some complimentary Juice also.


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